survivorship annuity

survivorship annuity
An annuity for joint lives of two persons and for the life of the survivor. 4 Am J2d Annui § 6.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • survivorship annuity — noun an annuity payable to one person in the event that someone else is unable to receive it • Syn: ↑reversionary annuity • Hypernyms: ↑annuity, ↑rente * * * noun : an annuity payable to a designated person in the event he survives an insured… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • joint and survivorship annuity — An annuity contract providing for payments to be made during the lives of two annuitants and to continue, after the death of one, for the life of the surviving annuitant. 4 Am J2d Annui § 6 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • annuity — /an(y)uwatiy/ A right to receive fixed, periodic payments, either for life or for a term of years. Moore v. O Cheskey, App., 87 N.M. 66, 529 P.2d 292, 293. A fixed sum payable to a person at specified intervals for a specific period of time or… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • reversionary annuity — noun an annuity payable to one person in the event that someone else is unable to receive it • Syn: ↑survivorship annuity • Hypernyms: ↑annuity, ↑rente * * * noun : an annuity payable to some person upon another becoming for any reason unable to… …   Useful english dictionary

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