slum clearance

slum clearance
The improvement of housing for people of limited means by tearing down dilapidated and inferior structures and erecting new buildings, particularly apartment houses or other multiple dwellings, to be leased at moderate rentals. A public purpose. 26 Am J2d Em D § 42.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • slum clearance — slum clearance, the clearing away of slums in connection with a program of housing and redevelopment: »The largest efforts will be directed at slum clearance and improvement of blighted homes (New York Times) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slum — A slum, as defined by the United Nations agency UN HABITAT, is a run down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security . The term has traditionally referred to housing areas that were once… …   Wikipedia

  • clearance — n. act of clearing away 1) slum clearance authorization 2) to give; receive clearance for 3) customs clearance 4) clearance to + inf. (the control tower gave the pilot clearance to land) space between parts 5) valve clearance certification of… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • clearance — noun 1 (C, U) the amount of space around one object that is needed to avoid it touching another object: The clearance between the bridge and the top of the bus was only ten centimetres. 2 (U) a process in which official permission is given for a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • clearance — noun 1 removal of sth old/unwanted ADJECTIVE ▪ forest, land, site, slum CLEARANCE + NOUN ▪ work ▪ sale (= when goods are sold cheaply to get rid of them qui …   Collocations dictionary

  • slum — slummer, n. /slum/, n., v., slummed, slumming. n. 1. Often, slums. a thickly populated, run down, squalid part of a city, inhabited by poor people. 2. any squalid, run down place to live. v.i. 3. to visit slums, esp. from curiosity. 4. to visit… …   Universalium

  • clearance — clear|ance [ klırəns ] noun ▸ 1 official permission ▸ 2 between two objects ▸ 3 clearance sale ▸ 4 of check ▸ 5 removal of something 1. ) uncount official permission to do something: clearance from: The UN was awaiting clearance from local… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • clearance — [[t]klɪ͟ərəns[/t]] clearances 1) N VAR Clearance is the removal of old buildings, trees, or other things that are not wanted from an area. ...a slum clearance operation in Nairobi... The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.… …   English dictionary

  • clearance — UK [ˈklɪərəns] / US [ˈklɪrəns] noun Word forms clearance : singular clearance plural clearances 1) a) [uncountable] official permission that allows someone to do something, to go to a particular country, or to be told particular information Aid… …   English dictionary

  • clearance — noun 1) slum clearance Syn: removal, clearing, demolition 2) you must have clearance to enter Syn: authorization, permission, consent, approval, blessing, leave, sanction, license, d …   Thesaurus of popular words

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