semidetached — [sem΄idi tacht′] adj. partly separate or detached, as a pair of houses joined by a common wall … English World dictionary
semidetached — /sɛmidəˈtætʃt/ (say semeeduh tacht) adjective 1. partly detached (used especially of a pair of houses joined by a common wall but detached from other buildings). –noun Also, semi. 2. Chiefly NSW one of a pair of houses joined by a common wall …
semidetached — semidetachment, n. /sem ee di tacht , sem uy /, adj. 1. partly detached. 2. of or pertaining to a house joined by a party wall to another house or row of houses. [1855 60; SEMI + DETACHED] * * * … Universalium
semidetached — n. house divided into two in order to inhabit two families adj. partially detached, partially separated; sharing a common wall (about houses) … English contemporary dictionary
Jakarta — /jeuh kahr teuh/, n. a seaport in and the capital of Indonesia, on the NW coast of Java. 4,576,009. Also, Djakarta, Jacarta. Formerly, Batavia. * * * formerly (1949–72) Djakarta Capital (pop., 1999 est.: 9,604,900) and largest city of Indonesia.… … Universalium
Lordship Lane, Haringey — Lordship Lane connects Wood Green (N22) with Tottenham High Road (N17). It lies in the London Borough of Haringey and forms part of the A109 road. History Wood Green was originally a clearing in the dense forests of oak, ash and beech that… … Wikipedia
Oleiros, Galicia — Concello de Oleiros Coat of arms Nickname(s): Oleiros … Wikipedia
Cité Fontainas — Named for Burgomaster André Napoléon Fontainas, the Cité Fontainas consists of a grouping of small, semidetached houses built around a semicircle. Designed by architects Antoine Trappeniers and Henri Beyaert in both neoclassical and eclectic… … Historical Dictionary of Brussels
for´est|less — for|est «FR ihst, FOR », noun, adjective, verb. –n. 1. a) a large area of land covered with trees; thick woods; woodland: »We wandered in the forest looking at its mighty trees.…primeval forests undefaced by the hand of man (Charles Darwin). b)… … Useful english dictionary
for|est — «FR ihst, FOR », noun, adjective, verb. –n. 1. a) a large area of land covered with trees; thick woods; woodland: »We wandered in the forest looking at its mighty trees.…primeval forests undefaced by the hand of man (Charles Darwin). b) the trees … Useful english dictionary