
Approval. Authority. Something giving force and authority. A coercive measure. That part of a law which signifies the evil or penalty which will be incurred by the wrongdoer for his breach of it. 50 Am J1st Stat § 151. As used in the Federal Administrative Procedure Act: -the whole or part of any agency (1) prohibition, requirement, limitation or other condition affecting the freedom of any person; (2) withholding of relief; (3) the imposition of any form of penalty or fine; (4) destruction, taking, seizure or withholding of property; (5) assessment of damages, reimbursement, restitution, compensation, cost, charges or fees; (6) the requirement, revocation, or suspension of a license; or (7) the taking of other compulsory or restrictive action. 5 USC § 1001(f).

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • sanction — [ sɑ̃ksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XVIIIe; « précepte » XIVe; lat. sanctio, de sancire « prescrire » I ♦ 1 ♦ Hist., dr. Acte par lequel le souverain, le chef du pouvoir exécutif revêt une mesure législative de l approbation qui la rend exécutoire. Pragmatique… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sanction — sanc·tion 1 / saŋk shən/ n 1: a punitive or coercive measure or action that results from failure to comply with a law, rule, or order a sanction for contempt 2: explicit or official approval 3: an economic or military coercive measure adopted usu …   Law dictionary

  • sanction — sanc‧tion [ˈsæŋkʆn] noun 1. sanctions [plural] ECONOMICS official orders or laws stopping trade, communication etc with another country as a way of forcing political changes: sanctions against • The US imposed tough trade sanctions against Cuba …   Financial and business terms

  • Sanction — • Sanction signifies the authoritative act whereby the legislator gives a law value and binding force for its subjects Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sanction     Sanction      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Sanction — Sanc tion, n. [L. sanctio, from sancire, sanctum to render sacred or inviolable, to fix unalterably: cf. F. sanction. See {Saint}.] 1. Solemn or ceremonious ratification; an official act of a superior by which he ratifies and gives validity to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sanction — [n1] authorization acquiescence, allowance, approbation, approval, assent, authority, backing, confirmation, consent, countenance, encouragement, endorsement, fiat, go ahead*, green light*, leave, nod, okay*, permission, permit, ratification,… …   New thesaurus

  • Sanction — Sanc tion, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sanctioned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sanctioning}.] To give sanction to; to ratify; to confirm; to approve. [1913 Webster] Would have counseled, or even sanctioned, such perilous experiments. De Quincey. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sanction — sanction, social sanction Any means by which conformity to socially approved standards is enforced. Sanctions can be positive (rewarding behaviour that conforms to wider expectations) or negative (punishing the various forms of deviance); and… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • sanction — ► NOUN 1) a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. 2) (sanctions) measures taken by a state to coerce another to conform to an international agreement or norms of conduct. 3) official permission or approval. ► VERB 1) give official… …   English terms dictionary

  • sanction — [saŋk′shən] n. [< Fr or L: Fr < L sanctio < sanctus: see SAINT] 1. the act of a recognized authority confirming or ratifying an action; authorized approval or permission 2. support; encouragement; approval 3. something that gives binding …   English World dictionary

  • Sanction — (v. lat.), die feierliche Bestätigung eines Beschlusses, Gesetzes, Vertrags, wodurch dieselben für heilig u. unverletzlich erklärt werden. Oft heißt ein solcher Vertrag selbst S., wie z.B. die Pragmatische S. (s.d.). Daher Sanctioniren, ein… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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