retail excise tax
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Excise tax in the United States — Excise tax, sometimes called an excise duty, is a type of tax. In the United States, the term excise means: (A) any tax other than a property tax or capitation (i.e., an indirect tax, or excise, in the constitutional law sense), or (B) a tax that … Wikipedia
excise — ex·cise / ek ˌsīz, ˌsīs/ n 1: a tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity compare income tax, property tax 2: any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or other fee see also … Law dictionary
tax — 1 vt [Medieval Latin taxare to assess for taxation, tax, from Latin, to assess, value, fix] 1: to assess or determine judicially the amount of (costs of an action in court) 2: to levy a tax on tax the corporation tax capital gains tax·er n tax 2 … Law dictionary
Tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Tax compliance solutions — Tax compliance solution is a generic term used to describe the available softwares to perform tax compliance for income tax, corporate tax, VAT, service tax, customs, sales tax, use tax, etc. The solution automatically calculates your complete… … Wikipedia
tax law — Introduction body of rules under which a public authority has a claim on taxpayers, requiring them to transfer to the authority part of their income or property. The power to impose taxes is generally recognized as a right of governments.… … Universalium
sales tax — a tax on receipts from sales, usually added to the selling price by the seller. [1920 25] * * * Levy imposed on the sale of goods and services. A sales tax on the manufacture, purchase, sale, or consumption of a specific commodity is known as an… … Universalium
Sales tax — Cash register receipt showing sales tax … Wikipedia
Fuel tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Russian Tax Code — The Russian Tax Code is the primary tax law for the Russian Federation. The Code was created, adopted and implemented in three stages. Part One, enacted July 31, 1998, also referred to as General Part , regulates relationships between taxpayers,… … Wikipedia