- res universitatis
- (Civil law.) Things in common,--- things which belong to it community. See Mackeldey's Roman Law § 170.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
res universitatis — ˈrāˌsünəˌversəˈtäd.ə̇s, ˈrēˌzünəˌvərsəˈtād. noun plural Etymology: Latin : things belonging under Roman or civil law to a society, corporation, university, or other community or public or private group for the use of the group and not the… … Useful english dictionary
Res communis — (chose commune, au pluriel « res communes », choses communes) est une expression latine utilisée en ius publicum (droit public) qui désigne une chose ou un bien commun, c est à dire qui de par sa nature ne peut être appropriée. Elle… … Wikipédia en Français
res — /riyz/ The subject matter of a trust or will. In the civil law, a thing; an object. As a term of the law, this word has a very wide and extensive signification, including not only things which are objects of property, but also such as are not… … Black's law dictionary
Res — (lat.), 1) so v.w. Sache, Ding; bes. 2) in juristischem Sinne jeder von der Person äußerlich unabhängige, aber der Unterwerfung unter eine Person fähige Gegenstand, ein Rechtsobject. In dieser weitesten Bedeutung werden die Sachen von den… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Res — Res, lat., Sache, im Rechtswesen jedes Ding, Rechtsobject, Sache, Streitgegenstand, Rechtsstreit, Angelegenheit, Geschäft, Natur der Sache (re, in, ex, re), Allgemeinheit oder Dinglichkeit eines Rechtsverhältnisses (in rem), Inbegriff von… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Public domain — This article is about public ownership of creative works. For use in relationship to public lands, see Public domain (land). For how the public domain applies to Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Public domain. Intellectual property law … Wikipedia
ИОАНН ПЕКАМ — [лат. Ioannes (Johannes) Pecham (Peckham)] († 8.12. 1292, манор Мортлейк, графство Суррей, Англия), архиеп. Кентерберийский (с 1279), католич. церковный деятель, богослов, ученый и философ, член монашеского ордена францисканцев. Жизнь Точные дата … Православная энциклопедия
Ancienne université de Louvain — Université de Louvain Nom original Studium Generale Lovaniense Informations Fondation 1425 Fondateur … Wikipédia en Français
List of scientific journals in mathematics — This is a list of mathematical journals, which are scientific journals presently published in the field of mathematics.* Abstract Analysis [http://www.aanalysis.net/ (web)] * Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis… … Wikipedia
TRIBUTUM Sacrum — in Hebraeorum Rep. dictum est, quod in sacros usus, divinô iussu, erogabatur. Cum enim publicorum Sacrificiorum, quae Oblationes seu Sacrificia Universitatis, seu Populi, nuncupata, bina essent genera; Alterum eorum, quae sive iugiter sive… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale