
A person to whom a remittance is sent or made. A person who remits. There is a practice of procuring a check to be drawn by a third party to be used in paying a debt due from the person procuring the check to the person to whom the debtor has had the check made payable. This practice is recognized in the case of foreign bills of exchange, and the person procuring the bill is known technically as the "remitter" of it. And in such case the payee of the bill, who takes it from the remitter for value, is held to be a bona fide purchaser for value. Boston Steel & Iron Co. v Steller, 183 Mass 140, 66 NE 646. The doctrine that where a mail has a right to lands, but is out of possession, afterward has a freehold cast upon him by some subsequent defective title, and enters by virtue of that title, in such case he is remitted, or sent back, by operation of law, to his ancient and more certain title. The right of entry, which he gained by a bad title, is ipso facto annexed to his own inherent good title; and his defeasible estate is utterly defeated and annulled, by the instantaneous act of the law, without his participation or consent. See 3 Bl Comm 19.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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