- ratable property
- Property in its quality and nature capable of being rated, that is, appraised or assessed for purposes of taxation. Coventry Co. v Assessors of Taxes, 16 RI 240, 241.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
ratable — rat·able / rā tə bəl/ adj: made or calculated according to a proportionate rate: pro rata a ratable distribution of the bankruptcy estate rat·ably / blē/ adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster … Law dictionary
ratable estate or property — Property in its quality and nature capable of being rated, i.e. appraised, assessed. Taxable estate; the real and personal property which the legislature designates as taxable … Black's law dictionary
ratable estate or property — Property in its quality and nature capable of being rated, i.e. appraised, assessed. Taxable estate; the real and personal property which the legislature designates as taxable … Black's law dictionary
ratable estate or property — Property in its quality and nature capable of being rated, i.e. appraised, assessed. Taxable estate; the real and personal property which the legislature designates as taxable … Black's law dictionary
ratable value — or rateable value noun A value placed on a property, and used to assess the amount of rates payable to the local authority each year • • • Main Entry: ↑rate … Useful english dictionary
Ratable Accrual Method — A method for determining when and how much income was earned over a period of time. The ratable accrual method can be used to compute the interest income for tax purposes. This is opposed to the payment method, and could be used to find the… … Investment dictionary
Property tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
ratable value — The ratable value of property is its appraised or assessed value for purposes of taxation. Coventry Co. v Assessors of Taxes, 16 RI 240, 241 … Ballentine's law dictionary
ratable estate — Taxable estate; the real and personal property that the legislature has designated as taxable. Marshfield v Middlesex, 55 Vt 545, 546 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Suva City Council — The Suva City Council is the municipal law making body of the city of Suva, Fiji s capital. It consists of 20 Councillors, elected for three year terms from four multi member constituencies called wards. Councillors, who are elected by residents … Wikipedia