radio broadcasting

radio broadcasting
See broadcasting.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Radio broadcasting — Long wave radio broadcasting station, Motala, Sweden …   Wikipedia

  • radio broadcasting — radijo laida statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. radio broadcast; radio broadcasting; sound broadcasting vok. Funkübertragung, f; Funksendung, f rus. радиовещательная передача, f; радиопередача, f pranc. radiodiffusion, f;… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • radio broadcasting — radijo laida statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. radio broadcast; radio broadcasting vok. Funkübertragung, f; Funksendung, f; Rundfunk, m; Rundspruch, m rus. радиовещание, n; радиовещательная передача, f; радиопередача, f pranc.… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission — Infobox Network slogan = network name = Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission network country = CAN network type = Radio network available = National through owned and operated stations and affiliates owner = Government of Canada key people =… …   Wikipedia

  • Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company — Infobox Network name = Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune slogan = ro. De 80 de ani vorbim serios! country = ROU network type = Radio network available = National international (through Radio România Internaţional) owner = The Romanian state key …   Wikipedia

  • North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement — The North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement, usually referred to as NARBA, is a treaty that took effect in March 1941 and set out the bandplan and interference rules for mediumwave AM broadcasting in North America. Although mostly replaced by …   Wikipedia

  • Birth of public radio broadcasting — is credited to Lee de Forest. Chase s, p. 84, Radio Broadcasting: 90th Anniversary. Jan 13, 1910. Radio pioneer and electron tube inventor Lee De Forest arranged the world s first radio broadcast to the public at New York, New York. He succeeded… …   Wikipedia

  • Tokai Radio Broadcasting — Tokai Radio Broadcasting. Company Limited (東海ラジオ放送株式会社) is a Japanese radio broadcasting company serving the areas of Aichi Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, and Mie Prefecture. Network * NRN (National Radio Network) Stations Aichi Prefecture * Nagoya …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Commission on Radio Broadcasting — The Royal Commission on Radio Broadcasting, otherwise known as the Aird Commission, was chaired by John Aird and examined Canada s broadcasting industry. The report released its findings in 1929 when it concluded that Canada was in need of a… …   Wikipedia

  • radio broadcasting station —   Kahua ho olele leo …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

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