- quanti minoris
- A form of action in Louisiana for the reduction of the price, in consequence of a defect in the thing sold. Millaudion v Soubercase (La) 3 Mart NS 287, 288.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
quanti minoris — /kwontay manoras/ The name of an action in the civil law (and in Louisiana), brought by the purchaser of an article, for a reduction of the agreed price on account of defects in the thing which diminish its value … Black's law dictionary
actio quanti minoris — originally a remedy in Roman law granted to the aedile (a magistrate with jurisdiction over markets) when a latent defect appeared that had not been revealed to the buyer, allowing the buyer (within a year) to seek the difference between the… … Law dictionary
actio aestimatoria; actio quanti minoris — /aekshiyow iystamatoriya aekshiyow kwontay manoras/ In the criminal law, two names of an action which lay in behalf of a buyer to reduce the contract price proportionately to the defects of the object, not to cancel the sale; the judex had power … Black's law dictionary
actio aestimatoria; actio quanti minoris — /aekshiyow iystamatoriya aekshiyow kwontay manoras/ In the criminal law, two names of an action which lay in behalf of a buyer to reduce the contract price proportionately to the defects of the object, not to cancel the sale; the judex had power … Black's law dictionary
actio quanti minoris — A civil law action by the vendee on an implied warranty of quality wherein he claimed a reduction in the price corresponding with the lower value caused by the defect … Ballentine's law dictionary
Actio redhibitoria — Die actio redhibitoria (dt. Wandelung) war ein Klage des römischen Rechtes für das Rückgängigmachen des Kaufes von fehlerhaften Sklaven und Zugtieren auf dem Markt gegen Erstattung des Kaufpreises. Diese actio war schon zur Zeit des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Contrato de compraventa (España) — Para otros usos de este término, véase Contrato de compraventa. En España, el contrato de compraventa, de acuerdo al artículo 1445 del Código Civil, es aquel contrato que hace surgir obligaciones sinalagmáticas para las partes contratantes, de… … Wikipedia Español
South African contract law — is essentially a modernised version of the Roman Dutch law of contract, [1] which is itself rooted in Roman law. In the broadest definition, a contract is an agreement entered into by two or more parties with the serious intention of creating a… … Wikipedia
Liste der actiones des Römischen Privatrechts — D. 44,7,51 (Celsus libro tertio digestorum) Nihil aliud est actio quam ius quod sibi debeatur, iudicio persequendi. Die actio ist nichts anderes als das Recht, was einem geschuldet wird, gerichtlich durchzusetzen. Das Römische Recht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ädil — Die Ädilen (lateinisch: aediles, Singular aedilis, von aedes, dt. Tempel) bekleideten ein niederes Amt der Ämterlaufbahn (cursus honorum) der römischen Republik der Antike. Sie wurden jeweils auf ein Jahr gewählt. Ihren Namen haben die Ädilen von … Deutsch Wikipedia