physical cruelty

physical cruelty
As ground for divorce:–actual personal violence, or such a course of physical treatment as endangers life, limb or health, and renders cohabitation unsafe. Brown v Brown, 215 SC 502, 56 SE2d 330, 15 ALR2d 163.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • physical — Relating or pertaining to the body, as distinguished from the mind or soul or the emotions. Material, substantive, having an objective existence, as distinguished from imaginary or fictitious; real, having relation to facts, as distinguished from …   Black's law dictionary

  • cruelty — cru·el·ty n pl ties 1 a: an intentional or criminally negligent act that causes pain and suffering cruelty to animals cruelty to children b: mistreatment or neglect that causes pain and suffering compare abuse …   Law dictionary

  • cruelty to animals — A crime that is defined differently in different states and municipalities, but usually involves the willful infliction of pain, suffering, or death on an animal, or the intentional or malicious neglect of an animal. Category: Criminal Law… …   Law dictionary

  • cruelty — [kro͞o′əltē] n. [ME cruelte < OFr < L crudelitas < CRUEL] 1. the quality or condition of being cruel; inhumanity; hardheartedness 2. pl. cruelties a cruel action, remark, etc. 3. Law willful infliction of physical pain or suffering upon… …   English World dictionary

  • Cruelty to animals — Chest X ray of a shot cat. White spots are lead shot. Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse or animal neglect, is the infliction of suffering …   Wikipedia

  • cruelty — The intentional and malicious infliction of physical or mental suffering upon living creatures, particularly human beings; or, as applied to the latter, the wanton, malicious, and unnecessary infliction of pain upon the body, or the feelings and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • cruelty — The intentional and malicious infliction of physical or mental suffering upon living creatures, particularly human beings; or, as applied to the latter, the wanton, malicious, and unnecessary infliction of pain upon the body, or the feelings and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • cruelty — The infliction of physical or mental pain or distress. As a ground for divorce, cruelty means physical violence intentionally inflicted, threats of physical violence, or wilfully causing mental distress, which renders it impossible for the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • cruelty — n. (pl. ies) 1 a cruel act or attitude; indifference to another s suffering. 2 a succession of cruel acts; a continued cruel attitude (suffered much cruelty). 3 Law physical or mental harm inflicted (whether or not intentional), esp. as a ground… …   Useful english dictionary

  • physical violence — bodily violence, aggression, wildness, cruelty …   English contemporary dictionary

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