- pattern bargaining
- Bargaining by a labor union for a number of labor contracts based on the example of one contract considered desirable. Anno: 9 L Ed 2d 1051.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Pattern bargaining — is a process in labour relations, where a trade union gains a new and superior entitlement from one employer, and then uses that agreement as a precedent to demand the same entitlement or a superior one from other employers.In the United States,… … Wikipedia
pattern bargaining — index collective bargaining Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pattern bargaining — noun : bargaining by a labor union for a number of work contracts based on the example of one that it considers desirable * * * a collective bargaining technique in which contract terms in one settlement are used as models to be imposed on other… … Useful english dictionary
pattern bargaining — a collective bargaining technique in which contract terms in one settlement are used as models to be imposed on other negotiating parties within an industry. * * * … Universalium
pattern bargaining — /pætn ˈbagənɪŋ/ (say patn bahguhning) noun a method by which a trade union pursues better conditions for its members, by targeting one employer for negotiation on an entitlement and, once successful, then presenting this result to other employers …
pattern — A technical chart formation used to make market predictions by following the price movements of securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. pattern pat‧tern 1 [ˈpætn ǁ ˈpætərn] noun [countable] 1. the regular way in which something… … Financial and business terms
bargaining — Synonyms and related words: audience, bargaining session, chaffer, chaffering, collective bargaining, coming to terms, conclave, confab, confabulation, conference, confrontation, congress, consultation, convention, council, council fire, council… … Moby Thesaurus
collective bargaining — n: negotiation between an employer and a labor union usu. on wages, benefits, hours, and working conditions see also bargaining agent at agent, bargaining unit; labor management relations act in the important laws … Law dictionary
collective bargaining — Synonyms and related words: bargaining, chaffer, chaffering, coming to terms, company union, craft union, dickering, haggle, haggling, higgling, horizontal union, industrial union, labor union, local, local union, negotiation, organized labor,… … Moby Thesaurus
collective bargaining — the process by which wages, hours, rules, and working conditions are negotiated and agreed upon by a union with an employer for all the employees collectively whom it represents. [1890 95] * * * Process of negotiation between representatives of… … Universalium