passive participation — non active participation, apathy, watching from the sidelines … English contemporary dictionary
passive — pas·sive / pa siv/ adj: not involving, deriving from, or requiring effort or active participation imposed a passive duty not to interfere; specif: of, relating to, or being business activity in which the investor does not have immediate control… … Law dictionary
participation exemption — The Dutch participation exemption, as an example, provides for a full exemption from Dutch corporate income tax in respect of income and capital gains derived from a qualifying shareholding (and, subject to a number of conditions, a qualifying… … Law dictionary
Participation dance — Participation dance, also known as group participation dance or audience participation dance, is a major category or classification of dance forms or dance styles based on purpose. The purpose of this type of dance is to actively encourage… … Wikipedia
passive — [pas′iv] adj. [ME passif < L passivus < passus: see PASSION] 1. influenced or acted upon without exerting influence or acting in return; inactive, but acted upon 2. offering no opposition or resistance; submissive; yielding; patient 3.… … English World dictionary
passive — As used in law, this term means inactive; permissive; consisting in endurance or submission, rather than action; and in some connections it carries the implication of being subjected to a burden or charge. As to passive debt passive negligence… … Black's law dictionary
Passive Activity Loss Rules — A set of rules that prohibits using passive losses to offset earned or ordinary income. Passive activity loss rules prevent investors from using losses incurred from income producing activities in which they are not materially involved. Being… … Investment dictionary
Passive Income — Earnings an individual derives from a rental property, limited partnership or other enterprise in which he or she is not actively involved. As with non passive income, passive income is usually taxable; however it is often treated differently by… … Investment dictionary
passive — passively, adv. /pas iv/, adj. 1. not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling. 2. not participating readily or actively; inactive: a passive member of a committee. 3. not involving… … Universalium
passive income — Income (such as investment income) that does not come from active participation in a business. Specified by the U.S. tax code. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms