- Novae Narrationes
- New Counts:–the title of a book on pleading published about 1350. This book was also called The New Talys. See 3 Bl Comm 297.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
novae narrationes — /nowviy nareyshiyowniyz/ New counts. The collection called Novee Narrationes contains pleadings in actions during the reign of Edward III. It consists principally of declarations, as the title imports; but there are sometimes pleas and subsequent … Black's law dictionary
novae narrationes — /nowviy nareyshiyowniyz/ New counts. The collection called Novee Narrationes contains pleadings in actions during the reign of Edward III. It consists principally of declarations, as the title imports; but there are sometimes pleas and subsequent … Black's law dictionary
New Talys — See Novae Narrationes … Ballentine's law dictionary
ВАЛЕРИЙ БЕРГИДЕНСКИЙ — [лат. Valerius (Valerianus) Bergidensis; испан. Valerio del Bierzo] († до 690), св. (пам. зап. 21 февр.), мон., церковный писатель. Род. близ г. Астурика (совр. Асторга, Испания), где получил образование. Ок. 640 г. вступил в Комплутский мон рь,… … Православная энциклопедия