- antithetarius
- A person seeking to escape punishment for a crime by charging his accuser with having committed it himself.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Antithetarius — The Latin term used in court documents for the accused who in response accuses his accuser of the same crime. [Lat. antithetarius = antithesis] Cf. Ambidexter … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
antithetarius — /aentaflateriyas/ In old English law, a man who endeavors to discharge himself of the crime of which he is accused, by retorting the charge on the accuser. He differs from an approver in this: that the latter does not charge the accuser, but… … Black's law dictionary
antithetarius — /aentaflateriyas/ In old English law, a man who endeavors to discharge himself of the crime of which he is accused, by retorting the charge on the accuser. He differs from an approver in this: that the latter does not charge the accuser, but… … Black's law dictionary
Ambidexter — The Latin term for a juror who took money from both sides; generally, a swindler. [< Lat. ambidexter = both sides] Cf. Antithetarius … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
approver — L. Fr. To approve or prove; to vouch. In old English law, an accomplice in crime who accused others of the same offense, and was admitted as a witness at the discretion of the court to give evidence against his companions in guilt. He was… … Black's law dictionary
approver — L. Fr. To approve or prove; to vouch. In old English law, an accomplice in crime who accused others of the same offense, and was admitted as a witness at the discretion of the court to give evidence against his companions in guilt. He was… … Black's law dictionary