nonunion workers

nonunion workers
Employees in a plant who do not belong to a labor union.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • nonunion — /non yoohn yeuhn/, adj. 1. not belonging to a labor union: nonunion workers. 2. not recognizing or accepting a labor union or union policy: a nonunion factory. 3. not manufactured by labor union workers. 4. antiunion. n. 5. Med. failure of a… …   Universalium

  • nonunion — [nän′yo͞on′yən] n. failure to mend or unite: said of a broken bone adj. 1. not belonging to a labor union 2. not made or serviced by union workers or under conditions required by a labor union 3. refusing to recognize, or sign a contract with, a… …   English World dictionary

  • nonunion — non•un•ion [[t]nɒnˈyun yən[/t]] adj. 1) cvb bus not belonging to a labor union 2) cvb bus not recognizing or accepting labor unions: a nonunion factory[/ex] 3) cvb bus not produced by union workers • Etymology: 1860–65 non•un′ion•ist, n …   From formal English to slang

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  • industrial relations — 1. the dealings or relations of an industrial concern with its employees, with labor in general, with the public, etc. 2. the administration of such relations, esp. to maintain goodwill for an industrial concern. [1900 05] * * * Introduction also …   Universalium

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