anticipation — an·ti·ci·pa·tion /an ˌti sə pā shən/ n: the knowledge or use of an invention in the U.S. or the patenting or describing of the invention in a publication in the U.S. or a foreign country before the discovery by a patent applicant ◇ Case law has… … Law dictionary
anticipation — [an tis΄ə pā′shən] n. 1. an anticipating or being anticipated 2. something anticipated or expected 3. foreknowledge; presentiment 4. Law the assignment or taking of income from a trust fund before it is due 5. Music the sounding of a tone in… … English World dictionary
anticipation — Act of doing or taking a thing before its proper time. To do, take up, or deal with, before another; to preclude or prevent by prior action; to be before in doing. In conveyancing, the act of assigning, charging, or otherwise dealing with income… … Black's law dictionary
anticipation — Act of doing or taking a thing before its proper time. To do, take up, or deal with, before another; to preclude or prevent by prior action; to be before in doing. In conveyancing, the act of assigning, charging, or otherwise dealing with income… … Black's law dictionary
Refund anticipation loan — A refund anticipation loan (RAL) is a high interest rate short term loan secured by a taxpayer’s expected tax refund, and designed to offer customers quicker access to funds than waiting for their tax refund.United StatesIn the United States, the … Wikipedia
Earned income tax credit — The United States federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC or EIC) is a refundable tax credit. For tax year 2007, a claimant with one qualifying child can receive a maximum credit of $2,853. For two or more qualifying children, the maximum credit… … Wikipedia
revenue anticipation note — ( RAN) A short term note sold by a public entity that will be repaid from the proceeds of anticipated nontax income. American Banker Glossary ( RAN) A short term municipal debt issue that will be repaid with anticipated revenues, such as sales… … Financial and business terms
tax anticipation bill — (TAB) Short term obligations issued by the federal government, the objective of which is to meet the cash flow needs of the government. TABs generally mature one week after corporate estimated taxes are due and are popular because they are… … Black's law dictionary
Tax anticipation bills (TABs) — Special bills that the Treasury occasionally issues that mature on corporate quarterly income tax dates and can be used at face value by corporations to pay their tax liabilities. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
tax anticipation bills — ( TABs) Special bills that the Treasury occasionally issues that mature on corporate quarterly income tax dates and can be used at face value by corporations to pay their tax liabilities . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms