- Non nasci, et natum mori, paria sunt
- To be born dead, and not to be born at all, are the same thing.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
non nasci, et natum mori, paria sunt — /non naesay et neytam moray pseriya sant/ Not to be born, and to be dead born, are the same … Black's law dictionary
non nasci, et natum mori, paria sunt — /non naesay et neytam moray pseriya sant/ Not to be born, and to be dead born, are the same … Black's law dictionary
birth — I (beginning) noun animation, arrival, commencement, creation, debut, embarkation, establishment, exordium, genesis, inauguration, inception, incipience, incipiency, incunabula, infancy, introduction, nascency, onset, origin, origination, ortus,… … Law dictionary
life — I (period of existence) noun anima, continuance, cycle, duration, endurance, existence, lastingness, lifetime, period, period of survival, span, survival, term, term of activity, term of effectiveness, time, time from birth to death, vita… … Law dictionary