- natural impotency
- Incurable impotency, not congenital incapacity for the sexual act. Jordan v Jordan, 93 Ill App 633 (ground of divorce); Cofer v Cofer (Tex Civ App) 276 SW2d 214.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
impotency — A term applying to both male and female. 4 Am J2d Annul § 32. Incapacity, whether from malformation or organic defect, to have natural and complete sexual intercourse. 4 Am 12d Annul § 32. Incapacity for ordinary and complete sexual intercourse,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
dead — 1. adjective /dɛd/ a) No longer living. All of my grandparents are dead. b) Figuratively, not alive; lacking life When a mans verses cannot be understood, nor a mans good wit seconded with the forward child, understanding, it strikes a man more… … Wiktionary
Canonical Impediments — Canonical Impediments † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Canonical Impediments I. GENERAL NOTION OF AN IMPEDIMENT The Latin word impedimentum signifies directly whatever embarrasses or hinders a person, whatever is an obstacle to his… … Catholic encyclopedia
Max Scheler's Concept of Ressentiment — Max Scheler (1874 1928) Max Scheler (1874–1928) was both the most respected and neglected of the major early 20th century German Continental philosophers in the phenomenological tradition.[1] His observations and insights concerning a special… … Wikipedia
sexual behaviour, human — Introduction any activity solitary, between two persons, or in a group that induces sexual arousal. There are two major determinants of human sexual behaviour: the inherited sexual response patterns that have evolved as a means of ensuring… … Universalium
Tobacco packaging warning messages — Smoking warning on the back of a cigarette pack, in Australia Tobacco packaging warning messages are health warning messages that appear on the packaging of cigarettes and other tobacco products. They have been implemented in an effort to enhance … Wikipedia
John Ruskin — This article is about the art critic, John Ruskin. For the painting of John Ruskin by Millais, see John Ruskin (painting). John Ruskin Coloured engraving of Ruskin Born 8 February 1819( … Wikipedia
Tennessee — • Includes geography, history, and demographics Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Tennessee Tennessee † … Catholic encyclopedia
Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage — Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage Marriage is that individual union through which man and woman by their reciprocal rights form one principle of generation. It is… … Catholic encyclopedia
Fideism — • A philosophical term meaning a system of philosophy or an attitude of mind, which, denying the power of unaided human reason to reach certitude, affirms that the fundamental act of human knowledge consists in an act of faith, and the supreme… … Catholic encyclopedia