
A declaration or complaint; one of the counts of a declaration or complaint.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Narratio —   [lateinisch »Erzählung«] die, /...ti ones, Diplomatik: in der mittelalterlichen Urkunde die Schilderung der tatsächlichen oder vorgeblichen Umstände, die die Beurkundung veranlasst haben …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • narratio — /nareysh(iy)ow/ One of the common law names for a plaintiffs count or declaration, as being a narrative of the facts on which he relies …   Black's law dictionary

  • narratio — /nareysh(iy)ow/ One of the common law names for a plaintiffs count or declaration, as being a narrative of the facts on which he relies …   Black's law dictionary

  • certa debet esse intentio, et narratio, et cerium fundamentum, et certa res qua: deducitur in judicium — /sarda debat esiy intensh(iy)ow et nareysh(iy)ow, et sartam fandamentam, et sarta riyz kwiy dad(y)uwsat3r in juwdishiyam/ The design and narration ought to be certain, and the foundation certain, and the matter certain, which is brought into… …   Black's law dictionary

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