mortuum vadium — ˈmȯrchəwəmˈvādēəm noun Etymology: Medieval Latin, literally, dead pledge : a mortgage agreement in early English law that gave possession of the mortgaged land and the use of its rents and profits to the mortgagee until such time as the mortgage … Useful english dictionary
mortuum vadium — /mortyuwam veydiyam/ A dead pledge; a mortgage (q.v.); a pledge where the profits or rents of the thing pledged are not applied to the payment of the debt … Black's law dictionary
mortuum vadium — /mortyuwam veydiyam/ A dead pledge; a mortgage (q.v.); a pledge where the profits or rents of the thing pledged are not applied to the payment of the debt … Black's law dictionary
vadium mortuum — Same as mortuum vadium … Ballentine's law dictionary
vadium mortuum — noun Etymology: Medieval Latin, literally, dead pledge : mortuum vadium … Useful english dictionary
vadium mortuum — index charge (lien), cloud (incumbrance) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
vadium mortuum — /veyd(i)yam mortyuwam/ A mortgage or dead pledge; a security given by the borrower of a sum of money, by which he grants to the lender an estate in fee, on condition that, if the money be not repaid at the time appointed, the estate so put in… … Black's law dictionary
lien — Synonyms and related words: adjustment mortgage, antichresis, blanket mortgage, bottomry, bottomry bond, chattel mortgage, closed mortgage, common law lien, dead pledge, deed of trust, first mortgage, general lien, hypothec, hypothecation,… … Moby Thesaurus
mortgage — Synonyms and related words: adjustment mortgage, antichresis, blanket mortgage, bond, bottomry, bottomry bond, chattel mortgage, closed mortgage, dead pledge, deed of trust, deposit, dip, first mortgage, go bail, handsel, hock, hypothec,… … Moby Thesaurus
Mortgage law — This article is about the legal mechanisms used to secure the performance of obligations, including the payment of debts, with property. For loans secured by mortgages, such as residential housing loans, and lending practices or requirements, see … Wikipedia