animus revertendi

animus revertendi
The intention of returning. 17A Am J Rev ed Dom §§ 26, 27. The owner of a dwelling house from which he and his family are temporarily absent, must have quitted the house "animo revertendi" to make unlawful breaking burglary. 13 Am J2d BurgI § 4. A different rule prevails and a distinction is made between animals ferae naturae and such animals as have animum revertendi. As to them a temporary departure from the immediate control of their owner does not determine his property rights in them. Whether or not they possess animurn revertendi depends upon whether or not they are usually in the habit of returning whence they have escaped, as carrier pigeons or hawks in pursuit of prey. 4 Am J2d Am § 19.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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