marketing quota
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quota sample — ➔ sample1 * * * quota sample UK US noun [C] MARKETING ► a small number of people that accurately represent a larger group in age, sex, race, etc. and are used to find out information about the larger group: »The survey was conducted by MORI among … Financial and business terms
quota sampling — noun The use of quota samples to obtain data, as for opinion polls and marketing purposes • • • Main Entry: ↑quota … Useful english dictionary
Marketing assessments — are a term in United States agriculture policy. At times, producers and first purchasers of some supported commodities are required to pay assessments as a contribution toward achieving budget deficit reduction targets. Under the 1996 farm bill… … Wikipedia
quota sampling — A method of non probability sampling in which the selection of the respondents is based upon some stratification and the setting of quota controls on each strata (sub group). The respondents to be sampled are divided into strata, according to the … Big dictionary of business and management
marketing leader — mar·ke·ting le·a·der loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS econ. azienda che controlla la quota di mercato più alta in un determinato settore produttivo | prodotto con la quota di vendita più alta in un determinato settore {{line}} {{/line}}… … Dizionario italiano
quota — /ˈkwoʊtə / (say kwohtuh) noun 1. the proportional part or share of a total which is due from, or is due or belongs to, a particular district, area, person, etc. 2. a proportional part or share of a fixed total amount or quantity. 3. the number of …
Poundage quota — A poundage quota, also called a marketing quota, is a quantitative limit on the amount of a commodity that can be marketed under the provisions of a permanent law. Once a common feature of price support programs, this supply control mechanism… … Wikipedia
Milk quota — A milk quota (or more accurately dairy produce quota) is one of the measures the British government uses to intervene in agriculture. Their purpose is to bring rising milk production under control. Milk quotas are attached to land holdings, and… … Wikipedia
Market Sharing Quota — In Canadian agricultural policy, the Market Sharing Quota (MSQ) is the federally determined target for the amount of industrial milk to produce nationwide each year.[1] It is determined by estimating the domestic demand for dairy products on a… … Wikipedia
Quantitative marketing research — is the application of quantitative research techniques to the field of marketing. It has roots in both the positivist view of the world, and the modern marketing viewpoint that marketing is an interactive process in which both the buyer and… … Wikipedia