- Major haereditas venit unicuique nostrum a jure et legibus quam a parentibus
- A greater heritage comes to each one of us from justice and the laws than from our parents.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
major haereditas venit unicuique nostrum a jure et legibus quam a parentibus — /meyjar harecbtaes viynst yuwnak(yuw)aykwiy nostram ey juriy et liyjabas kwsem ey parentabas/ A greater inheritance comes to every one of us from right and the laws than from parents … Black's law dictionary
major haereditas venit unicuique nostrum a jure et legibus quam a parentibus — /meyjar harecbtaes viynst yuwnak(yuw)aykwiy nostram ey juriy et liyjabas kwsem ey parentabas/ A greater inheritance comes to every one of us from right and the laws than from parents … Black's law dictionary
inheritance — in·her·i·tance /in her ə təns/ n 1: the act of inheriting: as a: the acquisition of real or personal property under the laws of intestacy or sometimes by will b: the succession upon the death of an owner either by will or by operation of law to… … Law dictionary