- majestas
- (Roman law.) Majesty; royal power; sovereignty.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
MAJESTAS — I. MAJESTAS Dea Honoris et Reverentiae filia. Ovid. l. 5. Fast. Donec Honor, placidoque decens Reverentia vultu Corpora legitimis imposuêre toris. Hinc sata Maiestas, quae mundum temperat omnem, Zuaque die Partu est edita, magna fuit. Nec mora… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Majestas Domini — aus dem Hitda Codex (Universitäts und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Hs. 1640, fol. 7r … Deutsch Wikipedia
Majestas Leprosus — Studio album by Mütiilation Released March 2003 … Wikipedia
majestas — /majestaes/ In Roman law, the majesty, sovereign authority, or supreme prerogative of the state or prince. Also a shorter form of the expression crimen majestatis, or crimen Isesse majestatis, an offense against sovereignty, or against the safety … Black's law dictionary
majestas — /majestaes/ In Roman law, the majesty, sovereign authority, or supreme prerogative of the state or prince. Also a shorter form of the expression crimen majestatis, or crimen Isesse majestatis, an offense against sovereignty, or against the safety … Black's law dictionary
Majestas Domini — Ma|jẹs|tas Do|mi|ni 〈f.; ; unz.; Mal.〉 Darstellung des thronenden Christus [lat., „Herrlichkeit des Herrn“] * * * Ma|jẹs|tas Do|mi|ni, die; [lat., eigtl. = die Herrlichkeit des Herrn] (bild. Kunst): frontale Darstellung des in einer Mandorla… … Universal-Lexikon
Majestas Domini — Ma|jẹs|tas Do|mi|ni 〈f.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Mal.〉 Darstellung des thronenden Christus [Etym.: lat., »Erhabenheit des Herrn«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Majestas Domini — Ma|jes|tas Do|mi|ni die; <aus lat. maiestas domini, eigtl. »die Herrlichkeit des Herrn«> [frontale] Darstellung des thronenden Christus (bildende Kunst) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Law of majestas — The Law of Majestas, or lex maiestas, refers to any one of several ancient Roman laws (leges maiestatis) throughout the republican and Imperial periods dealing with crimes against the Roman people, state, or Emperor. In Roman law the offences… … Wikipedia
Caesarĕa majestas — (lat.), kaiserliche Majestät … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon