- magister cancellariae
- A master in chancery.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
magister cancellariae — /majistar kxnsaleriyiy/ In old English law, master of the chancery; master in chancery. These officers were said to be called magistri, because they were priests … Black's law dictionary
magister cancellariae — /majistar kxnsaleriyiy/ In old English law, master of the chancery; master in chancery. These officers were said to be called magistri, because they were priests … Black's law dictionary
Roman Curia — • Strictly speaking, the ensemble of departments or ministries which assist the sovereign pontiff in the government of the Universal Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Roman Curia Roman Curia … Catholic encyclopedia
ROTULA — I. ROTULA us, et um, tabulae publicae, e quibus actus et responsa Curiarum recitantur: imo et alia quaevis pagina, quae rotae instar involvitur: a quo Romanis volumen dicitur. Item Matricula, Catalogus etc. Angl. a roul, Germ. Rodel. Fuit quidem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale