
A term applied to the submission of a constitutional amendment to the voters in such form that a voter is required to vote for something which he disapproves in order to register approval of other propositions. Fugina v Donovan, 259 Minn 35, 104 NW2d 911. A term applied to a similar practice in drafting and submitting a bill to the legislature for adoption and enactment into law, especially as an expedient in obtaining the passage of special and local legislation. 50 Am J1st Stat § 49. A political term applied to the practice in legislative bodies whereby one member votes for the bill of another member in order to obtain the latter's support and vote for a measure of the former or in which the former is interested.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Logrolling — is a colorful phrase that refers to trading favors, a synonym to quid pro quo , for instance to describe vote trading by legislative members to obtain passage of actions of interest to each legislative member. The term is also used for similar… …   Wikipedia

  • logrolling — log·roll·ing / lȯg ˌrō liŋ, läg / n [from the former American custom of neighbors assisting one another in rolling logs into a pile for burning]: the practice of including in a legislative bill unrelated provisions to attract a wider base of… …   Law dictionary

  • Logrolling — Log roll ing, n. 1. (Logging) The act or process of rolling logs from the place where they were felled to the stream which floats them to the sawmill or to market. In this labor neighboring camps of loggers combine to assist each other in turn.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • logrolling — also log rolling, in the legislative vote trading sense, 1823, Amer.Eng., from the notion of neighbors on the frontier helping one another with the heavy work of clearing land and building cabins (as in phrase you roll my log and I ll roll… …   Etymology dictionary

  • logrolling — ☆ logrolling [lôg′rōl΄iŋ ] n. 1. the act of rolling logs, as when a group of neighbors help to clear off land by rolling logs into some spot for burning, etc. 2. a) a giving of help, praise, etc. in return for help, praise, etc. b) Politics… …   English World dictionary

  • logrolling — /ˈlɒgroʊlɪŋ/ (say logrohling) noun Chiefly US 1. burling. See burl2 (def. 4). 2. the exchange of support between two politicians, as by voting for each other s bills, for mutual benefit: *My absence serves me better than any number of petitions… …  

  • logrolling — balsavimo susitarimas statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Atstovaujamosios institucijos narių tarpusavio susitarimas balsavimo metu elgtis ir balsuoti taip, kad būtų paremtas ir priimtas abiem pusėms naudingas galutinis sprendimas. atitikmenys …   Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

  • Logrolling (sport) — Logrolling, or birling, is a sport that originated in the lumberjack/log driver tradition of the northeastern United States and Canada, involving logs in a river (traditionally) or other body of water. After bringing their logs downriver, the… …   Wikipedia

  • logrolling — noun Date: 1812 1. [from a former American custom of neighbors assisting one another in rolling logs into a pile for burning] the exchanging of assistance or favors; specifically the trading of votes by legislators to secure favorable action on… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • logrolling — /lawg roh ling, log /, n. 1. U.S. Politics. the exchange of support or favors, esp. by legislators for mutual political gain as by voting for each other s bills. 2. cronyism or mutual favoritism among writers, editors, or critics, as in the form… …   Universalium

  • logrolling — noun a) The rolling of logs. b) A concerted effort to push forward mutually advantageous legislative agendas …   Wiktionary

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