liberum tenementum

liberum tenementum
A freehold estate. A plea in an action of trespass quare clausum brought by a person in actual possession of the land, asserting title to the property in the defendant, and the right to immediate possession, but admitting possession in the plaintiff and a color of right thereto. 52 Am J1st Tresp § 69.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • liberum tenementum — /libaram tenamentam/ In common law pleading, a plea of freehold. A plea by the defendant in an action of trespass to real property that the locus in quo is his freehold, or that of a third person, under whom he acted. In realty law, freehold.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • liberum tenementum — /libaram tenamentam/ In common law pleading, a plea of freehold. A plea by the defendant in an action of trespass to real property that the locus in quo is his freehold, or that of a third person, under whom he acted. In realty law, freehold.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • plea of liberum tenementum — A plea of freehold; a plea which in some jurisdictions is allowed to be interposed by the defendant in an action of trespass. Fort Dearborn Lodge v Klein, 115 Ill 177, 3 NE 272 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Фригольд — (англ. freehold, от free свободный и hold владение, держание; позднелат. liberum tenementum)         наименование различных форм феодального держания в средневековой Англии. Английское общее право включало в понятие Ф. рыцарское держание на… …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • History of English land law — Material here has been extracted from the 1911 Britannica encyclopedia. The history of English land law derives from a mixture of Roman, Norman and modern legislative sources.OutlineSuch terms as fee or homage carry us back into feudal times.… …   Wikipedia

  • ФРИГОЛЬД — (англ. freehold, от free свободный и hold владение; позднелат. liberum tenementum) форма феодального держания, характерная для средневековой Англии; Ф. был наследственным или пожизненным. Англ. общее право (common law) включало в понятие Ф.:… …   Советская историческая энциклопедия

  • Фригольд — (англ. freehold, от free  свободный и hold  владение, держание; позднелат. liberum tenementum)  «свободное владение», наименование различных форм феодального земельного владения или держания в средневековой Англии,… …   Википедия

  • CATALLUM — in LL. Eduardi Confess. c. 35. alibique passim, Chattel in LL. vernaculis Wilhelmi Nothi, c. 4. idem est quod Capitale, bona omnia, quae ex pecudibus sunt: unde invalescente postmodum usu, bona omnia mobilia, cuiuscumque tandem generis, hâc voce… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • tenement — /tenamant/ This term, in its common acceptation, is only applied to houses and other buildings, but in its original, proper, and legal sense it signifies everything that may be holden, provided it be of a permanent nature, whether it be of a… …   Black's law dictionary

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