- Lex vigilantibus, non dormientibus
- The law is for the vigilant, not for those who slumber. Toole v Cook (NY) 16 How Pr 142, 144.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
lex vigilantibus, non dormientibus, subvenit — /leks vijalaentabas non dormiyentabas sabvanat/ Law assists the wakeful, not the sleeping … Black's law dictionary
lex vigilantibus, non dormientibus, subvenit — /leks vijalaentabas non dormiyentabas sabvanat/ Law assists the wakeful, not the sleeping … Black's law dictionary
Lex vigilantibus, non dormientibus subvenit — The law aids the vigilant, not those who slumber … Ballentine's law dictionary
Vigilantibus, et non dormientibus servat lex — The law aids the vigilant, but not those who slumber. The maxim does not apply where the defendant by his assurances put the plaintiff to sleep. Bostwick v Mutual Life Ins. Co. 116 Wis 392, 89 NW 538 … Ballentine's law dictionary
List of legal Latin terms — A number of Latin terms are used in legal terminology and legal maxims. This is a partial list of these legal Latin terms, which are wholly or substantially drawn from Latin. Contents: A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V … Wikipedia
Términos jurídicos en latín — Anexo:Términos jurídicos en latín Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Se utiliza un gran número de términos jurídicos en latín en lo referente al derecho y otras máximas jurídicas. Esta es una lista parcial de aquellos términos latinos: Contenido 1 A 2 … Wikipedia Español
Латинские правовые термины и выражения — A a fortiori a posteriori a priori a priori assumption ab extra ab initio actus reus ad colligenda bona ad hoc ad hominem ad idem ad infinitum ad litem ad quod… … Википедия
Anexo:Términos jurídicos en latín — Se utiliza un gran número de términos jurídicos en latín en lo referente al derecho y otras máximas jurídicas. Esta es una lista parcial de aquellos términos latinos: Contenido 1 A 2 B 3 C … Wikipedia Español
justice — jus·tice / jəs təs/ n [Old French, from Latin justitia, from justus just] 1 a: the quality of being just, impartial, or fair it is not the province of the court to decide upon the justice or injustice...of these laws Scott v. Sanford, 60 U.S. 393 … Law dictionary
equity — eq·ui·ty / e kwə tē/ n pl ties [Latin aequitat aequitas fairness, justice, from aequus equal, fair] 1 a: justice according to fairness esp. as distinguished from mechanical application of rules prompted by considerations of equity comity between… … Law dictionary