letter missive

letter missive
A summons issued by the chancellor directing a peer to defend a suit in equity; a royal letter nominating a bishop.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • letter missive — noun (plural letters missive) Etymology: Middle English lettres missives, letter missive : a letter from a superior authority addressed to a particular individual or group and conveying a command, recommendation, permission, or invitation …   Useful english dictionary

  • letter missive — pl. letters missive. a letter from an official source expressing a command, permission, invitation, etc. [1400 50; late ME < MF lettre missive or ML littera missiva; see MISSIVE] * * * …   Universalium

  • letter missive — (also letters missive) noun a letter from the monarch to a dean and chapter nominating a person to be elected bishop …   English new terms dictionary

  • letter missive — In old English law, a letter from the king or queen to a dean and chapter, containing the name of the person whom he would have them elect as bishop. A request addressed to a peer, peeress, or lord of parliament against whom a bill has been filed …   Black's law dictionary

  • letter missive — In old English law, a letter from the king or queen to a dean and chapter, containing the name of the person whom he would have them elect as bishop. A request addressed to a peer, peeress, or lord of parliament against whom a bill has been filed …   Black's law dictionary

  • Missive — Mis sive, a. [See {Missive}, n.] 1. Specially sent; intended or prepared to be sent; as, a letter missive. Ayliffe. [1913 Webster] 2. Missile. The missive weapons fly. Dryden. [1913 Webster] {Letters missive}, letters conveying the permission,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • missive — /mis iv/, n. 1. a written message; letter. adj. 2. sent or about to be sent, esp. of a letter from an official source. [1400 50; late ME (letter) missive < ML (littera) missiva sent (letter), equiv. to L miss(us) (ptp. of mittere to send) + iva,… …   Universalium

  • missive — noun 1》 formal or humorous a letter. 2》 Scots Law a document in the form of a letter interchanged by the parties to a contract. Phrases conclude missives Scots Law sign a contract with the vendor of a property or piece of land to signify change… …   English new terms dictionary

  • missive — mis•sive [[t]ˈmɪs ɪv[/t]] n. a written message; letter • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME (letter) missive < ML (littera) missīva sent (letter) …   From formal English to slang

  • letter — {{11}}letter (n.1) c.1200, graphic symbol, alphabetic sign, written character, from O.Fr. letre (10c., Mod.Fr. lettre) character, letter; missive, note, in plural, literature, writing, learning, from L. littera (also litera) letter of the… …   Etymology dictionary

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