legislative divorce

legislative divorce
A divorce granted, without judicial inquiry, by an act of the legislature directed particularly to a specific union of husband and wife and declaring it to be dissolved. Starr v Pease, 8 Coon 540, 541.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • legislative divorce — A divorce decreed by an act of the legislature as to one particular couple and not by judicial decree. While legislative divorces once existed in New England states, and parliamentary divorces once were granted in England, such have long been… …   Black's law dictionary

  • legislative divorce — A divorce decreed by an act of the legislature as to one particular couple and not by judicial decree. While legislative divorces once existed in New England states, and parliamentary divorces once were granted in England, such have long been… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • divorce — The legal separation of man and wife, effected by the judgment or decree of a court, and either totally dissolving the marriage relation, or suspending its effects so far as concerns the cohabitation of the parties. See also alimony equitable… …   Black's law dictionary

  • divorce — A dissolution f the marriage relation between husband and w1e, the term, standing alone, importing a complete severance of the tie by which the parties were united. Miller v Miller, 33 Cal 353. A divorce decree is a judgment. Jelin v Jelm, 155… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • judicial divorce — A dissolution of the marriage contract by decree of court after a judicial inquiry to ascertain the breach of the contract. Starr v Pease, 8 Conn 540, 546. A divorce granted by the court as distinguished from a legislative divorce …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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