jus belli

jus belli
The law of war; the right of war.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • jus belli — /jas belay/ The law of war. The law of nations as applied to a state of war, defining in particular the rights and duties of the belligerent powers themselves, and of neutral nations. That which may be done without injustice with regard to an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • jus belli — /jas belay/ The law of war. The law of nations as applied to a state of war, defining in particular the rights and duties of the belligerent powers themselves, and of neutral nations. That which may be done without injustice with regard to an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Jus ad bellum — (Latin for Justice to War ; see also Just War) are a set of criteria that are consulted before engaging in war, in order to determine whether entering into war is justifiable. Jus ad bellum is sometimes considered a part of the laws of war,… …   Wikipedia

  • contra jus belli — /kontra jas belay/ Against the law of war …   Black's law dictionary

  • contra jus belli — /kontra jas belay/ Against the law of war …   Black's law dictionary

  • contra jus belli — Against the laws of war …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Jus ad bellum — Als gerechten Krieg (lateinisch bellum iustum) bezeichnet abendländische Rechtstradition einen Krieg oder bewaffneten Konflikt zwischen Kollektiven – meist Staaten –, dessen Begründungen, Ziele und Mittel bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllen und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Casus belli — is a Latin language expression meaning the justification for acts of war. Casus means incident , rupture or indeed case , while belli means of war . It is usually distinguished from casus foederis , with casus belli being used to refer to… …   Wikipedia

  • Völkerrecht — (internationales Recht, Jus gentium, Jus belli et pacis, franz. Droit international, Droit des gens, engl. Law of nations, Internationallaw, ital. Diritto internazionale), Inbegriff der Rechtsgrundsätze über das gegenseitige Verhalten und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kriegsrecht — (Kriegsvölkerrecht, Jus belli, Droit de la guerre), im subjektiven Sinne das Recht zur Kriegführung, im objektiven Sinne die völkerrechtlichen Grundsätze, die während eines Krieges für die Kriegführenden untereinander wie gegenüber den neutralen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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