- juramentum voluntarium
- (Civil law.) The voluntary oath,–an oath which a party to an action was not required to make, but when made, the other party was required to answer it under oath.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
juramentum voluntarium — /juramentam volanteriyam/ In Roman law, a voluntary oath. A species of appeal to conscience, by which one of the parties to a suit, instead of proving his case, offered to abide by what his adversary should answer under oath … Black's law dictionary
juramentum voluntarium — /juramentam volanteriyam/ In Roman law, a voluntary oath. A species of appeal to conscience, by which one of the parties to a suit, instead of proving his case, offered to abide by what his adversary should answer under oath … Black's law dictionary
Присяга в гражданском процессе — (juramentum) в гражданском процессе религиозный обряд, заключающийся в удостоверении показаний стороны призванием Бога во свидетеля правды. Цель этого обряда как судебного доказательства устранение спора. П. постепенно вытесняла древние суды… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Eid [1] — Eid (Juramentum, Jusjurandum), die Betheuerung der Wahrheit od. die Bestärkung eines Versprechens unter Anrufung Gottes od. einer anderen heilig gehaltenen Person od. Sache als Zeugen der Wahrheit u. Rächer der Unwahrheit. Der E. findet sich bei… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon