junior college

junior college
A school offering courses of instruction on the level of difficulty for the first two years above high school level, irrespective of the breadth or variety of the field of education covered. Nixon-Clay Commercial College v Woods (Tex Civ App) 176 SW2d 1015, error ref. Best understood as a college providing instruction equivalent to the first two years of an ordinary college, intended to provide a general education so far as the period of study and instruction permits, also to qualify graduates to transfer to other colleges and universities for further work. Pollitt v Lewis, 269 Ky 680, 108 SW2d 671, 113 ALR 691. Not a common school or a public school. An no: 113 ALR 711.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • junior college — noun count or uncount a college in the U.S. where students can study practical subjects, learn study skills, or follow a two year course of study that prepares them to enter a university: COMMUNITY COLLEGE: I m taking some classes at a junior… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • junior college — n [U and C] a college in the US or Canada where students take a course of study that continues for two years = ↑community college …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • junior college — ☆ junior college n. a school offering courses for two years beyond high school, either as the first two years of a standard four year college program or as a complete career training program resulting in a certificate or an associate degree …   English World dictionary

  • Junior college — The term junior college refers to different educational institutions in different countries.IndiaIn India, most states provide schooling through grade 12. Maharashtra and Karnataka however, have a system of junior colleges. After taking the 10th… …   Wikipedia

  • junior college — 1. a collegiate institution offering courses only through the first one or two years of college instruction and granting a certificate of title instead of a degree. 2. a division of a college, university, or university system offering general… …   Universalium

  • junior college — noun a college that offers only the first two years terminating in an associate degree • Hypernyms: ↑college • Hyponyms: ↑community college, ↑normal school, ↑teachers college * * * noun, pl ⋯ leges [count] US : a school that has two years of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • junior college — o community college Institución educativa que imparte programas de hasta dos años de duración, y que entrega instrucción académica, técnica y vocacional a nivel de college (colegio universitario), con énfasis en la preparación de carreras… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • junior college — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms junior college : singular junior college plural junior colleges a college in the US where students can study practical subjects, learn how to study, or prepare for university …   English dictionary

  • Junior college — Le terme junior college s applique à différentes institutions d éducation, dans différents pays, notamment en Inde, aux États Unis, au Japon et à Singapour. À Singapour, un Junior College (JC) est équivalent à un collège en sixième au Royaume Uni …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Junior College — Système éducatif des États Unis d Amérique Le Système éducatif des États Unis d’Amérique est décentralisé, la plupart des décisions sur les programmes et sur le financement étant prises par des instances locales : les school boards. Les… …   Wikipédia en Français

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