
The chosen people of the Old Testament. Persons whose ancestors were the ancient Hebrews. See Judaism.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Jews —    Jews arrived in Belgium as early as the Roman conquest. They have been mentioned in sources dating from 1200 as living in Brabant. In a will of 1261, Henry III, duke of Brabant, ordered Jews and usurers expelled from the duchy. The community… …   Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • Jews —    Jews comprised one of the most sizeable and important minorities in Byzantium (q.v.). Benjamin of Tudela (q.v.) describes Jewish communities in numerous cities, including many cities in Greece (q.v.). He mentions 2,000 Jews living in Thebes (q …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • Jews —    Ethnoreligious group. At one time, Russia possessed the largest population of Jews worldwide; the country still has one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe. Historically, Jew (ievrei) was treated as an ethnonational category in Russia… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • Jews —    Without the benefit of clairvoyance, one might have argued in the 1920s that the situation of Germany s Jews was that of complete and final arrival. Emancipated by Bismarck in the 1860s and 1870s, the Jews had weathered a bitter but contained… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Jews —    There is reason to think that Jews may have been living in and around the future city of Vienna when the Romans arrived there around 15 BCE. However, the history of the Jews in the Austrian lands replicates the history of the diaspora in many… …   Historical dictionary of Austria

  • Jews —    From Spain and Portugal, the first Jews (Sephardim) immi grated to the Republic in the 1590s, especially after the blockade of the River Scheldt since 1585, which impeded commerce with the harbor of Antwerp from the sea. In 1619, the… …   Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands

  • Jews —     According to Biblical tradition, *Joseph, sold into slavery and sent down to Egypt, eventually gained status and wealth and brought his family (the tribe of Israel) to his new homeland. Centuries later, their descendants became part of the… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Jews —    Western and central Europe had had Jewish residents since Roman times, and even though anti Jewish prejudice had led to repeated instances of mob violence, legal discrimination, and pressure for conversion, those communities never entirely… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Jews —    The destinies of the Gypsies and the Jews have been intertwined ever since the former arrived in Europe centuries after the latter. For example, in Spain the deportation of the Moors and the Jews and the attempted deportation of the Gypsies… …   Historical dictionary of the Gypsies

  • Jews —    England shared the assumption (general until the later 20th century) that Jews lost their homeland as punishment for murdering Jesus, and have ever since been accursed. Symbolically, this was expressed through the medieval legend of the… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Jews for Jesus — is a Christian [ * During my time with the mission, I found Jews for Jesus to be a Christian ministry (or Messianic, if you prefer) with a passion for the good news about Jesus... Pastor Lev Leigh. Hope Baptist Church. Richmond, CA (… …   Wikipedia

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