- irritant clause
- A clause in a deed or other instrument containing a condition the happening of which will render the instrument void.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
irritant clause — noun Etymology: irritant (I) Scots law : a clause in an instrument providing that if certain specified events shall take place the instrument shall be void … Useful english dictionary
irritant — irritant, ante [ iritɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1549; de irriter 1 ♦ Qui irrite, met en colère. ⇒ agaçant, crispant, énervant, exaspérant. Mot, propos irritants. Une discussion irritante. C est irritant d attendre. 2 ♦ Qui détermine de l irritation, de l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
irritant — irritant, ante 1. (i rri tan, tan t ) adj. Terme de jurisprudence. Qui annule. Condition, clause irritante, celle qui, n étant pas remplie, rendrait l acte nul. Décret irritant, nom donné aux clauses insérées dans les bulles de la cour de… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Irritant — Ir ri*tant, a. [LL. irritants, antis, p. pr. of irritare to make null, fr. L. irritus void; pref. ir not + ratus established.] (Scots Law) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating. [1913 Webster] The states elected Harry, Duke of Anjou … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
IRRITANT — ANTE. adj. T. de Jurispr. Qui casse, qui annule. Il s emploie surtout dans cette locution, Condition, clause irritante, Condition, clause tellement essentielle à la validité d un acte, que l acte serait nul, si elle n était pas remplie. Décret… … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
clause irritant — A clause in a deed which limited the right of an absolute proprietor in entails … Ballentine's law dictionary
irritancy — I. ˈirəd.ənsē, ətən , si also ətən noun ( es) Etymology: irritant (I) + cy Roman, civil, & Scots law : a making or the quality or state of being made null and void : invalidation; … Useful english dictionary
History of Christianity — Church history redirects here. For the journal, see American Society of Church History#Church History. For the magazine, see Christianity Today#Christian History. Church historian redirects here. For LDS official church historian, see Church… … Wikipedia
Christianity in the 9th century — Brothers Cyril and Methodius bring Christianity to the Slavic peoples. Main article: History of medieval Christianity … Wikipedia
History of medieval Christianity — Brothers Cyril and Methodius bring Christianity to the Slavic peoples. Main article: History of Christianity See also … Wikipedia