- inter vivos
- Between living persons. See gift inter vivos.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
inter vivos — in·ter vi·vos / in tər vī vōs, vē / adv or adj [Late Latin]: between living persons an inter vivos transfer see also donation inter vivos at donation; gift inter vivos at gift; … Law dictionary
inter vivos — in‧ter vi‧vos [ˌɪntə ˈviːvɒs ǁ tər ˈviːvoʊs, ˈvaɪ ] adverb LAW from one living person to another living person: • A joint tenancy is severed if a joint tenant disposes of his interest inter vivos. inter vivos adjective : • an inter vivos gift * * … Financial and business terms
Inter vivos — (Latin, between the living ) is a legal term referring to a transfer or gift made during one s lifetime, as opposed to a testamentary transfer (a gift that takes effect on death).The term is often used to describe a trust established during one s … Wikipedia
inter vivos — [in΄tər vī′vōs΄] adv., adj. [L, among the living] from one living person to another or others [a gift made inter vivos, inter vivos trusts] … English World dictionary
ínter vivos — (Loc. lat.); literalmente, entre los vivos ). ☛ V. donación ínter vivos … Diccionario de la lengua española
inter vivos — (izg. ȉnter vȋvos) DEFINICIJA među živima; za života ETIMOLOGIJA lat … Hrvatski jezični portal
Inter vivos — es una expresión latina que se utiliza en derecho para referirse a aquellos actos jurídicos que se producen entre personas vivas, en contraposición a los actos mortis causa. La expresión literalmente significa entre vivos . Ejemplo clásico de… … Wikipedia Español
Inter vivos — (lat.), unter Lebenden, z.B. Donatio i. v., s. Schenkung … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Inter vīvos — (lat., »unter den Lebenden«), bei Lebzeiten … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Inter vivos — (lat.), unter Lebenden, bei Lebzeiten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Inter vivos — Inter vivos, lat., unter den Lebenden … Herders Conversations-Lexikon