all right, title, and interest

all right, title, and interest
Words in a conveyance operative to express whatever title the grantor has, whether an entirety of ownership or an undivided interest. 23 Am J2d Deeds § 289. "All the right, title, and interest" of a grantor pass under a deed granting the same, even though the phrase is followed by the expression-the same being one half undivided interest in and to the described property," because the words last quoted do not limit the extent of the previous term of conveyance or except out any interest conveyed by such previous term. 23 Am J2d Deeds § 197. An assignment of patent rights in such terms of designation of the subject matter does not, in the absence of an express agreement or of special circumstances from which a warranty may be implied, carry with it a warranty of validity of the patent. 40 Am J1st Pat § 133. A court may not read exceptions into a law referring to "all rights." Wailes v Curators of Cent. College, 363 Mo 932, 254 SW2d 645, 37 ALR2d 326.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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