endorsement — indorsement 1) A signature on the back of a bill of exchange or cheque, making it payable to the person who signed it. A bill can be endorsed any number of times, the presumption being that the endorsements were made in the order in which they… … Accounting dictionary
endorsement — indorsement 1) A signature on the back of a bill of exchange or cheque, making it payable to the person who signed it. A bill can be endorsed any number of times, the presumption being that the endorsements were made in the order in which they… … Big dictionary of business and management
endorsement — A written statement on a document, usually on the back of the document, in which the owner assigns his rights to an individual or entity named in the endorsement. American Banker Glossary * * * endorsement en‧dorse‧ment [ɪnˈdɔːsmənt ǁ ɔːr ] also… … Financial and business terms
endorsement — en·dorse·ment also in·dorse·ment n 1: the act or process of endorsing 2: an inscription (as a signature or notation) on a document or instrument; esp: an inscription usu. on the back of a negotiable instrument that transfers or guarantees the… … Law dictionary
warranty — A promise that a proposition of fact is true. The Fred Smartley, Jr., C.A.Va., 108 F.2d 603, 606. An assurance by one party to agreement of existence of fact upon which other party may rely. It is intended precisely to relieve promisee of any… … Black's law dictionary
Order of the Star in the East — The Order of the Star in the East (OSE) was an organization established by the leadership of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, India, from 1911 to 1927. Its mission was to prepare the world for the expected arrival of a messianic entity, the so… … Wikipedia
Передаточная Надпись — (endorsement, indorsement) 1. Надпись на оборотной стороне переводного векселя (bill of exchange) или чека, передающая право получить платеж по нему лицу, подписавшему его. Вексель может передаваться путем индоссамента неограниченное число раз;… … Словарь бизнес-терминов
ИНДОССАМЕНТ — (endorsement, indorsement) 1. Надпись на оборотной стороне переводного векселя (bill of exchange) или чека, передающая право получить платеж по нему лицу, подписавшему его. Вексель может передаваться путем индоссамента неограниченное число раз;… … Финансовый словарь
Передаточная надпись — (endorsement, indorsement) 1. Надпись на оборотной стороне переводного векселя (bill of exchange) или чека, передающая право получить платеж по нему лицу, подписавшему его. Вексель может передаваться путем индоссамента неограниченное число раз;… … Финансовый словарь
endorsement — /en dawrs meuhnt/, n. 1. approval or sanction: The program for supporting the arts won the government s endorsement. 2. the placing of one s signature, instructions, etc., on a document. 3. the signature, instructions, etc., placed on the reverse … Universalium