- In obscura voluntate manumittentis, favendum est libertati
- In the case of a doubtful wish for the manumission of a slave, liberty is to be favored.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
in obscura voluntate manumittentis, favendum est libertati — /in abskyiira volanteytiy maen(y)amatendas, favendam est libarteytay/ Where the expression of the will of one who seeks to manumit a slave is ambiguous, liberty is to be favored … Black's law dictionary
in obscura voluntate manumittentis, favendum est libertati — /in abskyiira volanteytiy maen(y)amatendas, favendam est libarteytay/ Where the expression of the will of one who seeks to manumit a slave is ambiguous, liberty is to be favored … Black's law dictionary