in gremio legis

in gremio legis
In the bosom of the law,–that is, in abeyance. A term expressive of the status of the fee during the period intervening between the creation and the termination of a contingent remainder. 28 Am J2d Est § 223.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • gremio legis — See in gremio legis …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • in gremio legis — /lēˈjis/ 1. In the bosom of the law 2. Under the protection of the law • • • Main Entry: ↑in gremio …   Useful english dictionary

  • gremio legis — /in griym(i)yow liyjas/; that is, in the protection or keeping of the law …   Black's law dictionary

  • gremio legis — /in griym(i)yow liyjas/; that is, in the protection or keeping of the law …   Black's law dictionary

  • in gremio legis — /in griym(i)yow liyjas/ In the bosom of the law; in the protection of the law; in abeyance …   Black's law dictionary

  • in gremio legis — /in griym(i)yow liyjas/ In the bosom of the law; in the protection of the law; in abeyance …   Black's law dictionary

  • in gremio — (ˈ)inˈgremēˌō, rēm adverb Etymology: Latin, in the bosom, in the lap : in abeyance * * * in gremio /in grēmˈ or gremˈi ō/ ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • abeyance — abey·ance /ə bā əns/ n [Middle French abeance expectation (of a title or claimant), from abaer to expect, from a , prefix stressing result + baer to gape, aim at] 1: a lapse in the succession of property during which there is no person in whom… …   Law dictionary

  • in nubibus — /in n(y)uwbabas/ In the clouds; in abeyance; in custody of law. @ in nubibus, in mare, in terra, vel in custodia legis in the air, sea, or earth, or in the custody of the law. In case of abeyance, the inheritance is figuratively said to rest in… …   Black's law dictionary

  • in nubibus — /in n(y)uwbabas/ In the clouds; in abeyance; in custody of law. @ in nubibus, in mare, in terra, vel in custodia legis in the air, sea, or earth, or in the custody of the law. In case of abeyance, the inheritance is figuratively said to rest in… …   Black's law dictionary

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