hypothecary action

hypothecary action
A term known in Louisiana, being an action brought by a creditor against the property which has been hypothecated to him by his debtor, in order to have it seized and sold for the payment of the debt. Lovell v Cragin, 136 US 130, 142, 34 L Ed 372, 376, 10 S Ct 1024.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • hypothecary action — /hapoӨokehriy aekshan/ The name of an action allowed under the civil law for the enforcement of the claims of a creditor by the contract of hypotheca (q.v.). Lovell v. Cragin, 136 U.S. 130, 10 S.Ct. 1024, 34 L.Ed. 372 …   Black's law dictionary

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