- hundred gemote
- An assembly of the freeholders of a hundred.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
hundred gemote — /handrad gamowt/ Among the Saxons, a meeting or court of the freeholders of a hundred, which assembled, originally, twelve times a year, and possessed civil and criminal jurisdiction and ecclesiastical powers … Black's law dictionary
hundred gemote — /handrad gamowt/ Among the Saxons, a meeting or court of the freeholders of a hundred, which assembled, originally, twelve times a year, and possessed civil and criminal jurisdiction and ecclesiastical powers … Black's law dictionary
gemot — /gamowt/ In Saxon law, a meeting or moot; a convention; a public assemblage. These were of several sorts, such as the witena gemot, or meeting of the wise men; the folc gemot, or general assembly of the people; the shire gemot, or county court;… … Black's law dictionary
gemot — /gamowt/ In Saxon law, a meeting or moot; a convention; a public assemblage. These were of several sorts, such as the witena gemot, or meeting of the wise men; the folc gemot, or general assembly of the people; the shire gemot, or county court;… … Black's law dictionary
England [2] — England (Gesch.). I. Älteste Zeit bis zur Ankunft der Römer 55 v. Chr. Die ältesten Nachrichten über die Bewohner E s stammen von Pytheas (320–330 v. Chr.) her, dessen Landsleute, die Massilier, auf dem Landwege eine Handelsverbindung mit Ictis… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon