homestead laws

homestead laws
The statutes relative to the acquisition of a homestead out of the public domain. 42 Am J2d Pub L § 20. See homestead exemption; pre-emption laws.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • homestead — The dwelling house and the adjoining land where the head of the family dwells; the home farm. The fixed residence of the family, with the land, usual and customary appurtenances, and buildings surrounding the main house. Technically, and under… …   Black's law dictionary

  • homestead — The dwelling house and the adjoining land where the head of the family dwells; the home farm. The fixed residence of the family, with the land, usual and customary appurtenances, and buildings surrounding the main house. Technically, and under… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • Homestead exemption — is a legal regime designed to protect the value of the homes of residents from property taxes, creditors, and circumstances arising from the death of the homeowner spouse. Laws enacting such protections are found in state statutes or… …   Wikipedia

  • homestead — home·stead / hōm ˌsted, stid/ n 1 a: the home and adjoining land with any buildings that is occupied usu. by a family as its principal residence b: an estate created by law in a homestead esp. for the purpose of taking advantage of a homestead… …   Law dictionary

  • Homestead exemption in Florida — Homestead is given meaning in three different contexts under Florida law: 1. exemption from forced sale before and at death per Art. X, Section 4(a) (b) of the Florida Constitution [… …   Wikipedia

  • homestead exemption laws — Laws passed in most states allowing a householder or head of a family to designate a house and land as his homestead, and exempting the same homestead from execution by creditors for his general debts (in, for example, bankruptcy proceedings).… …   Black's law dictionary

  • homestead exemption laws — Laws passed in most states allowing a householder or head of a family to designate a house and land as his homestead, and exempting the same homestead from execution by creditors for his general debts (in, for example, bankruptcy proceedings).… …   Black's law dictionary

  • homestead exemption — n: an exemption from liability that prevents creditors from obtaining satisfaction from a debtor s homestead see also declaration of homestead at declaration 4 ◇ The laws governing the homestead exemption vary greatly from state to state. Most… …   Law dictionary

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