- habere licere
- To allow to hold, to allow a person to take possession.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
habere licere — /habiriy bsiriy/ In Roman law, to allow [one] to have [possession]. This phrase denoted the duty of the seller of property to allow the purchaser to have the possession and enjoyment. For a breach of this duty, an actio ex empto might be… … Black's law dictionary
habere licere — /habiriy bsiriy/ In Roman law, to allow [one] to have [possession]. This phrase denoted the duty of the seller of property to allow the purchaser to have the possession and enjoyment. For a breach of this duty, an actio ex empto might be… … Black's law dictionary
Stipulatio — Monarchie romaine 753 – 509 av. J. C. République romaine 509 – 27 av. J. C. Empire romain 27 av. J. C. – 476 Empire byzantin … Wikipédia en Français
OBSES — qui traditur imperio alicuius, eâ conditione, ut si dator eius a fide recedat, recipienti sit potestas in vitam et corpus eius, qui Obses datusest, saeviendi. Vide Bartolum in l. divus, ff. de iure fisc. Adeoque Sponsor, praes; in Epist olis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Legio X Gemina — Escudo de la Legio X Gemina a principios del siglo V, según la Notitia Dignitatum occ. Activa Desde el 70 a. C. hasta el siglo V … Wikipedia Español
Fathers of the Church — • The word Father is used in the New Testament to mean a teacher of spiritual things, by whose means the soul of man is born again into the likeness of Christ: Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fathers of the Church … Catholic encyclopedia
Eigentumstheorien — sind systematische Erklärungsversuche zur Entstehung und Rechtfertigung der gesellschaftlichen Institution des Eigentums. Das Recht auf persönliches Hab und Gut wird in der Regel nicht infrage gestellt. Kontroverse Positionen gibt es hingegen in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ARAUSIO — Urbs, Episcopatus et Principatus Galliae, in Provincia a Rhodano milliari, et Avenione 3. circiter milliaribus distat. Varia a Veteribus nomina sortita est, Arausio Cavarum, vel secundanorum, Arausica Civitas, et Arausionensis urbs, quô nomine a… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
BEGUARDI alias BEGUINI et BEGUINAE — BEGUARDI, alias BEGUINI et BEGUINAE Harertici in Germania exorti, A. C. 1341. Monasticam vitam, sed sine caelibatu, affectabant, in hac vita omnimodam persectionem obtineri posse, gratiae auxiliô opus non esse, homines perfectos ab oboedientiz… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
CHIROTHECA — a Regibus olim in urbem quam obsidebant, proiecta signum erat, obsidionem se non soluturos, donec urbe potirentur. Ad quem ritum referri potest ille Arabum mos, apud quos calcei detracti in aliquem coniectio servatae servandaeque fidei signum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale