giving aid and comfort to enemy

giving aid and comfort to enemy
As an element of the offense of treason:-overt acts committed which, in their natural consequence, if successful, would encourage and advance the interests of the enemy. Young v United States, 97 US 39, 24 L Ed 992.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • aid and comfort — Help; support; assistance; counsel; encouragement. As an element in the crime of treason (Constitution of the United States, Art. Ill, No. 3), the giving of aid and comfort to the enemy may consist in a mere attempt. It is not essential to… …   Black's law dictionary

  • aid and comfort — Help; support; assistance; counsel; encouragement. As an element in the crime of treason (Constitution of the United States, Art. Ill, No. 3), the giving of aid and comfort to the enemy may consist in a mere attempt. It is not essential to… …   Black's law dictionary

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