- Frustra feruntur leges nisi subditis et obedientibus
- Laws are made to no purpose unless for those who are subject and obedient.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
frustra feruntur leges nisi subditis et obedientibus — /frastra farantar liyjiyz naysay sabdatas et abiydiyentabas/ Laws are made to no purpose, except for those that are subject and obedient … Black's law dictionary
frustra feruntur leges nisi subditis et obedientibus — /frastra farantar liyjiyz naysay sabdatas et abiydiyentabas/ Laws are made to no purpose, except for those that are subject and obedient … Black's law dictionary