- fresh disseisin
- Recent disseisin, such disseisin as the person disseised might resist with force.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
fresh disseisin — /fresh cfosiyzan/ By the ancient common law, where a man had been disseised, he was allowed to right himself by force, by ejecting the disseisor from the premises, without resort to law, provided this was done forthwith, while the disseisin was… … Black's law dictionary
fresh disseisin — /fresh cfosiyzan/ By the ancient common law, where a man had been disseised, he was allowed to right himself by force, by ejecting the disseisor from the premises, without resort to law, provided this was done forthwith, while the disseisin was… … Black's law dictionary
fresh force — Recent force, that is force used to effect a disseisin within the next preceding forty days. See assize of fresh force … Ballentine's law dictionary
Re — Re; re·able; re·absorb; re·absorption; re·accept; re·access; re·accession; re·acclimatization; re·acclimatize; re·accommodate; re·accommodation; re·accounting; re·accredit; re·accreditation; re·acetylation; re·acknowledge; re·acquaint;… … English syllables
assize — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… … Black's law dictionary
assise — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… … Black's law dictionary
assize, or assise — (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from their own… … Black's law dictionary
assize — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… … Black's law dictionary
assise — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… … Black's law dictionary
assize, or assise — (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from their own… … Black's law dictionary