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fossagium — /foseyj(iy)am/ In old English law, the duty levied on the inhabitants for repairing the moat or ditch round a fortified town … Black's law dictionary
fossagium — /foseyj(iy)am/ In old English law, the duty levied on the inhabitants for repairing the moat or ditch round a fortified town … Black's law dictionary
fossatorum operatic — /fosatoram 6pareysh(iy)ow/ In old English law, fosse work; or the service of laboring, done by inhabitants and adjoining tenants, for the repair and maintenance of the ditches round a city or town, for which some paid a contribution, called… … Black's law dictionary
fossatorum operatic — /fosatoram 6pareysh(iy)ow/ In old English law, fosse work; or the service of laboring, done by inhabitants and adjoining tenants, for the repair and maintenance of the ditches round a city or town, for which some paid a contribution, called… … Black's law dictionary
fos|sage — «FOS ihj», noun. (in old English law) a duty levied on the inhabitants of a fortified town for the purpose of cleaning the moat or ditch surrounding it. ╂[< Medieval Latin fossagium < Latin fossa ditch] … Useful english dictionary