fides servanda

fides servanda
Good faith is to be observed or kept. "Fides servanda is indeed a rule of law, as well as of morality, and will be vigorously enforced in favor of one who is chargeable with no culpable negligence or inattention to his own interest. But to one so chargeable the law will not afford relief." Bostwick v Mutual Life Insurance Co. 116 Wis 392, 89 NW 538, 92 NW 246.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • fides servanda est — /faydiyz sarvasnda est/ Faith must be observed. An agent must not violate the confidence reposed in him …   Black's law dictionary

  • fides servanda est; simplicitas juris gentium praevaleat — /faydiyz sarvaenda est, simplisataes jiiras jensh(iy)am pravsliyat/ Faith must be kept; the simplicity of the law of nations must prevail. A rule applied to bills of exchange as a sort of sacred instruments …   Black's law dictionary

  • fides servanda est — /faydiyz sarvasnda est/ Faith must be observed. An agent must not violate the confidence reposed in him …   Black's law dictionary

  • fides servanda est; simplicitas juris gentium praevaleat — /faydiyz sarvaenda est, simplisataes jiiras jensh(iy)am pravsliyat/ Faith must be kept; the simplicity of the law of nations must prevail. A rule applied to bills of exchange as a sort of sacred instruments …   Black's law dictionary

  • Fides servanda est — Good faith is to be observed. Smith v Richards (US) 13 Pet 26, 43, 10 L Ed 42, 50 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Fides servanda est; simplicitas juris gentium praevaleat — Good faith is to be observed; the simplicity of the law of nations should prevail …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Fides etiam hosti servanda est — (lat.: Auch dem Feinde [im Kriege] gegenüber ist Treu und Glaube zu wahren), uralter Grundsatz des Kriegsrechts, nach dem das vom Feinde gewährte Vertrauen nicht mißbraucht werden darf, insbes. also während oder bezüglich des Krieges… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Pacta sunt servanda — (wörtlich: „Verträge sind einzuhalten“) ist das Prinzip der Vertragstreue im öffentlichen und privaten Recht. Es handelt sich um den wichtigsten Grundsatz des öffentlichen ebenso wie des privaten Vertragsrechts. Im deutschen Zivilrecht findet… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • faith — n 1 a: allegiance or loyalty to a duty or a person b: sincerity or honesty of intentions see also bad faith, good faith 2: fidelity to one s promises and obligations …   Law dictionary

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